• (028).3620.8179
  • info@vuletech.com

Bottle Orienter Machine In Industry

In today’s packaging industry, there are countless bottle shapes, shapes to adapt to different needs. That is why the production line will be a little difficult if the bottles and products are not placed in the right direction, causing asynchronous situation, affecting the productivity of the factory. Understanding the difficulties of customers, VULETECH has produced a bottle rotating machine to solve the above problem.

I. Bottle Orienter Machine – What is Bottle Orienter Machine?

Bottle Orienter Machine aims to automate the process of turning bottles in the right direction according to factory requirements. The machine  is used to ensure that all bottles, jars, flasks or containers continuing down a conveyor or production line are aligned in the exact same position and/or orientation. It is often used at the top of the line before filling or before labeling a box or bottle. The machine can also be used at the end of a conveyor to prepare product for shipping in shelf-ready boxes.

II. Structure and technical parameters of bottle rotating machine:

1. Structure:

Máy Xoay Chai – Bottle Orienter Machine

2. Specifications

Operating time 21 shifts/week, 51 weeks/year
Power source voltage used 1P 220VAC 50Hz

Control supply voltage 24VDC 
Compressed air source 4 Bar 
Speed of 1 chain 300 Bottles/1 minute

3. How is the machine?

The bottle rotater works by simply turning any container that is not properly positioned to the proper direction. It will rotate the container 90 degrees, 180 or 270 degrees to make sure all bins or bottles are positioned equally. The manner in which the bottle or container is rotated depends on the type of bottle rotater and the containers being used.

Product clips:

4. Product benefits:

Bottle turners are especially useful when the container has a handle and the mouth of the bottle is not centered. The bottle rotater ensures that the product’s handle is always left or right depending on the factory setting, which ensures the product is always aligned under the filling machine’s nozzle. VULETECH’s bottle rotating machine can process bottles with centered mouth as well as a variety of specially shaped bottles and products.

III. Where to buy bottle turners?

VULETECH specializes in providing solutions for bottle rotating machines. For more detailed information, please contact:

Vu Le Technology Co., Ltd

Address: 27 Xuan Quynh, Gia Hoa Residential Area, Phuoc Long B Ward, District 9, HCMC

Hotline: (028) 3620 8179 / 3620 8176 / 3620 8177

Fax: (028) 3620 8178

Mail: info@vuletech.com


vận chuyển container bằng sà lanvận chuyển hàng hóa bằng sà lan
(028).3620.8179 VULETECH @VuLeTechnologyCompanyLimited @