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Robot polishing, grinding

Polishing Robot

Polishing – grinding robots are used to finish the surface of details, parts, products or prepare the surface for the next process such as creating roughness before spraying paint, plating … in the mechanical and machining industries. metal, machine building, electricity, electronics, furniture, construction, automobiles, motorcycles, iron and steel, plastic, toys, … The use of polishing – grinding robots brings many benefits to businesses. Karma:

  • Grinding and polishing many different profiles
  • Thanks to the force sensor, high precision grinding or polishing
  • The robot has an intuitive interface that is easy to program.
  • Consistent product quality
  • Can be installed in difficult locations and limited space

In addition, Robots also help businesses:

  • Reduce business operating costs.
  • Robot has a long life, low maintenance and maintenance costs.
  • The robot ensures a clean, neat and orderly working environment.
  • Robots can work in harsh and dangerous environments.

Robot đánh bóng
Robot đánh bóng
Robot đánh bóng
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