• (028).3620.8179
  • info@vuletech.com
Đảm bảo tuân thủ các quy định của ngành

Ensure compliance with industry regulations

Product-specific codes, which can be alphanumeric or barcoded, perform various functions on product packaging; for example, for the purposes of warehousing, supply chain security, and product recall facilitation. It is important that these codes are present and correctly printed on the product packaging to avoid unnecessary product rework and returns, along with the potential for fines or even lawsuits. Our systems ensure readable code that complies with industry standards.

Proven code reading techniques

With so many ways to display different product codes – often having multiple versions of the same code in different formats, it is necessary to have a system that is flexible enough to read different types of codes. Our visual inspection systems support a wide range of barcode formats and text fonts, and are capable of reading difficult formats such as dot matrix text.

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Support for round or flat containers

Product packaging can hold any number of shapes, and while some products are oriented as they move along the production line, others may change direction or rotate as they move. . Our system has 360° inspection capabilities, making it possible to place and verify code on non-directional containers. Other system configurations can check the code above or below the product packaging, if needed.

Smart camera and computer-based visual inspection systems

The code reader app is ideal for simple and easy to use smart camera systems. Our smart camera provides fast and accurate code reading results without the need for more complicated solutions. Depending on how many applications want to test further, a smart camera system can be effective. More complex applications are handled by our computer-based visual inspection systems – talk to one of our visual inspection system experts to see the solution. Which method is right for you?

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