• (028).3620.8179
  • info@vuletech.com

The converter feeds the pover to the 2-wire transmitter and outputs a DC signal proportional to the signal from the transmitter


Save space and save weight by consolidating the converter and terminal block

Input DC4〜20mA
Output DC4〜20mA
Power AC100〜240V
Dielectric strength AC2000V
Weight 110g. approx
Size (HWD) 98×48×41mm
Operating temperature/ humidity -5 ~ + 50 ℃ Lower limit 90% RH
Technical information  Unavailable
User manual Unavailable
Drawing Unavailable
vận chuyển container bằng sà lanvận chuyển hàng hóa bằng sà lan
(028).3620.8179 VULETECH @VuLeTechnologyCompanyLimited @