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Matrix production: an example for Industrie 4.0

What is needed in the age of industry 4.0 are versatile solutions that can compensate for high-capacity work or resource bottlenecks. The production matrix is part of line production and is based on standardized and graded production cells, sorted by nearly any number on the grid. For example, the cells contain a turntable for storing components, aids, and robots. Back to the parsing and production system, making it easy for the processor.

Công nghiệp 4.0: linh hoạt thông qua sản xuất ma trận

In the current industry 4.0 era asking permission to turn applications is more and more likely because everything is changing production. Volatile markets working for profitable small-scale production is more important than ever. More and more, manufacturers have more formulas, bulk questions along with changing the model code of a product.

In the future, the matrix manufacturing concept will enable industrial-scale and networked magic trigger manufacturing throughout the entire chain process. The system can automatically switch “on the fly” to product types – no waiting time and no production time. Because of that, it is possible to wish for a joint effort to remove all types of products as a part of the 4.0 industry standard.

Nguyên tắc sản xuất ma trận

Matrix production is based on standardized, graded production cells and can be sorted by any number in the layout. All areas are equipped with product-neutral equipment and functional facilities are dedicated to the product.

Inside the cell, there is a turntable for setting up the parts, the locator, and the robot that performs the related tasks. This production cell can be individually extended with process-specific devices. Solder, Glue, Palletizing, Pick & Place, most programs can work.

Matric production

Machining and tooling are transferred by automatic path (AGV). AGV targets odd discrete cells using SLAM navigation algorithm. A Robot will take the helping jobs when the AGV arrives in the area.

These companies are then outsourced using intelligent application robots, such as bodyshop technology that does not require grafting. One robot holds one part while a second robot holds the other. Both parts are joined together to form a block, which is then welded by a third robot – the so-called handling robot.

The archives are stored in the warehouse. Other face, the tool expert is located in the tool inventory.

Tách logistics và sản xuất

Auto Navigator AGVs can receive and transport various helpers or tools using individually configurable load adjusting software. Logistic and production processes are separated from each other in the production matrix match – a key requirement of Industry 4.0. The concept means that with logistics shift parts, the system can always respond dynamically to the application with peaks and redirects to other cells.

Đây cũng có thể là liên kết đến trình cắm hoặc loại quy trình. Tạo ra một chuỗi giá trị không bị gián đoạn. Việc hậu lập trình phải được liên kết một cách hợp lý với quá trình sản xuất bằng phần mềm.

Với khái niệm sản xuất ma trận linh hoạt cao, KUKA đang đáp ứng một cách có hệ thống các yêu cầu của Công nghiệp 4.0 trong sản xuất công nghiệp. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]

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